AWS VPC Flow Logs Introduction
Feb 14, 2023
- > Flow logs help to monitor the traffic flowing into our interfaces.
There are 3 types of Flow logs:
- VPC Flow logs
2. ENI Flow logs
3. Subnet Flow logs
- > VPC flow logs help to monitor and troubleshoot connectivity issues.
There are 3 ways to implement VPC flow logs into our AWS architecture:
- CloudWatch Contributor Insights
CloudWatch Contributor Insights example for my website:
Contributor insights data in tabular form:
2. CloudWatch Alarms
- > We can use the flow logs to generate a metric alarm from CloudWatch and then later send it to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).
3. Flow Logs via S3
- > We may also use S3 bucket to store the flow logs and then later use Amazon Athena to query the data and eventually display it via Amazon QuickSight.
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